New Year is not simple holiday...

It reminds us the passage of time, that another 365 days have passed, and we remember not more than a dozen. And every next year our life is like accelerating: another 365 days have passed and the New Year has come again.

But a person has the ability to stop, slow down, expand time. Turn his life into an act of creation, create his own every day, like the God created the world. Find a new solution to old objectives, come up with a unique project, take a fresh look at a long-time friend. Treat yourself and your life as an art: the whole truth of life is reflected in it, there is nothing accidental, unnecessary, even the emptiness is filled there. Art exists outside of time. This is a moment that lasts forever, echoing and transforming the souls of people through the ages. And Goethe continues create his «Faust» with every reader, and Shakespeare is much more alive than Lenin. And we become co-authors of each canvas, before which we stopped with admiration, amazement, disgust or doubt, each verse read, each melody heard and felt.

Create yourself and your life, create with the living and passed away authors, and each of your new day will be filled with a happiness, an unforgettable time, when even the emptiness is filled.

Happy New Year!


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